Caring Service

Comunidad Latina Federal Credit Union. At $9 million in assets, this community CU is not a power player in the state of California.
Instead, Comunidad Latina FCU is a small but integral part of the community of Santa Ana, CA. Members are made to feel like family. The CEO has an open office policy.
The credit union maintains a TikTok page where anyone in the United States can seek volunteer advice on ITIN lending. That same CEO, Azul Sanchez, personally assists by researching outside credit unions that offer ITIN lending and addressing FAQs.
If a member of the credit union doesn’t qualify for a loan, they receive direct and personalized feedback on why. All members are welcome to attend roundtables where financial wellbeing is discussed, emphasizing a values-first approach that fosters genuine connection and storytelling.
The above measures may not be entirely scalable to a large financial institution, but they underscore that caring is a strong option in the play book. 2023 aggregated Avannis member/customer experience data, in fact, shows that the #4 driver to deliver a strong NPS score is “responding to problems in a way that makes you feel they care”. Any size institution can achieve this customer perception with a little grit and creativity.
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